Advertising students win multiple awards and gain valuable experience at the ADDYs
SF Bay Area
Landscape architecture students provide passersby with a place to rest during this year’s PARK(ing) …
Defense Tactics Seminar teaches students how to prepare and defend themselves
The School of Game Development brings a modern twist to the Sausalito Arts Festival
SF Bay Area
Exhibitions “Inception” and “Growing Up” on Display at Sutter St. Galleries
by Art U NewsTwo photography gallery exhibitions kick off the fall semester with unique personal perspectives
Photography group exhibition captures the Marin Headlands at its most multifaceted
Academy alumnus earns Emerging Photographer recognition for in-depth project photographing Angel Island detainees
Fine art alumna Lena Lee’s “Light in the Darkness” places second in California Watercolor …
Illustration students recognized by independent design magazine, CMYK
Architecture students bring their individual strengths together toward a common cause